Helena Martín Mariño
Helena Martín Mariño - Spanish, Aged 33 works for Martin & Mariño Gestiones SLP
Where did the original idea come from? How long did it take to get your business off the ground?
Basically, mine is a family business that my father stablished more than thirty years ago. I’m the second generation in charge.
We are a professional firm which helps individuals and companies to meet their legal obligations and to deal with the public administration. This is the core of the business as we are “Gestor Administrativo”.
We deliver timely solutions for the administrative management of vehicles, taxes and SME sans freelance activities based on our clients’ needs and accompanied by practical and premium quality service.
We have a track record of more than 35 years in the sector and we are committed to building relationships of trust with our clients by delivering effective and appropriate solutions to their needs.
Our goal is to further our clients’ development and put in place long-term professional relationships.
What do you wish you’d known when you started?
In the last twenty years Barcelona has become a famous city and many foreigners have come to establish their residence and their businesses here. In this sense I realised that a closer relationship with the foreign community would provide a very good market for our business.
How easy was it get the financing for your business?
We didn’t need any financing to start the business because there was little initial investment and any investment was provided by the company itself.
Did you find the paperwork difficult?
Since our business is to “do paperwork” we are experts on administrative processes and most especially with regard to the Public Administration.
Did you get help from any particular official organisations or associations (e.g. Chambers of Commerce)? If so, please describe:
We have never had any kind of direct help from any organisation, but due to our continuous relationship with the Public Administration we find the way to get the best advise in order to get the work done in the most efficient way.
We also have to mention our membership in the Col.legi Oficial de Gestors Administratius de Catalunya which is the bar of the Gestores Administrativos from Catalunya,, which works towards the continuous improvement of our functions, training and structure.
What is your business experience / background / qualifications?
We are a team of six people specialised in four different areas:
Vehicles & Transport, Tax & Labour, Public Agencies and SME (Small and Medium Enterprises).
I have a degree in Political and Administration Science (UPF, Barcelona), a diploma in International Consulting for Organisational Development (UPF, Barcelona), a diploma of Specialisation in Tax Advice (EADA, Barcelona), an Executive MBA (EADA, Barcelona), Advanced Course of Politics in Europe (Università degli Studi di Siena, Italy). Plus I'm currently finishing my Law Degree (UOC, Barcelona).
My experience has been always related to administrative management. My last experience has been the most important in terms of time length, width and depth. I act as owner, manager, and I give advice not only to my clients to solve their issues but also to my employees to develop their skills and tasks.
What are the positive aspects about having a business here?
Barcelona and the whole of Spain is a great place to live and to develop a business. Although the administrative assistance business may look old and with no changes, the reality is very different and continuously there are new opportunities and updates that make the processes change and improve. This is a good motivation for me.
And the negative aspects?
I’m very happy to be living and working in Barcelona. With my experience in other European countries, I realise Barcelona is not the “Big Apple” but we have a very good living and working standards.
Are there any other useful contacts, tips or information you think would be useful to other foreign entrepreneurs in Barcelona? Please describe:
Since we are a local company helping enterpreneurs establishing their business in Barcelona, I would suggest our company and our associates as good contacts.