Màquina climàtica (Climate Machine)
l'Hivernacle (Greenhouse) Passeig de Picasso 7, 08003 Barcelona
Màquina climàtica offers a complete overview of the past, present and future of greenhouses.
For a long time, greenhouses were simply places for showing off exotic plants. However, over the years they have steadily learned to serve as centers of innovation and experimentation, integrating technology and renewable energies to promote new agricultural practices, and provide new opportunities for local food production.
Divided into three parts, the exhibition unites knowledge and art, with an audiovisual presentation on the greenhouse effect and an artistic work that highlights the effects of climate change. It also shows how greenhouses can promote sustainable food production, with examples from around the world. Growing food in greenhouses can significantly reduce water consumption, and allows on-site production, eliminating the need to establish a specific space elsewhere thus reducing the carbon footprint normally created by transportation.
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