Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB) Carrer de Montalegre 5, 08001 Barcelona
Image courtesy of CCCB
ISEA, International Symposium on Electronic Arts, is one of the major annual events in the world in the field of the intersection between art, design, science, technology and society.
Promoted by UOC with the collaboration of CCCB, Santa Mònica, NewArtFoundation, the new Hub of Art, Science and Technology Hac Te, MACBA, Ajuntament de Barcelona and the Ministry of Culture of the Generalitat de Catalunya, ISEA2022 Barcelona invites you to contribute in the growing debate about our world of possibles, not only exploring the future to be built but also opening the doors of the past and the present.
Most of the activities will take place at the CCCB, which will play host to paper and poster presentations, panels, screenings and demos every day. These sessions will address current issues such as the creative capacity of artificial intelligence, the possibilities of immersive experiences, the imaginary of biotechnologies in the arts, the predictive potential of machines, new ways of managing our heritage and milestones in human-robot communication.
Complementing this program, CCCB will offer workshops and performances open to the public. The other main event of the venue will be the internationally renowned speakers invited to think about the possibles and the four sub-themes of the symposium. The first, "human and non-human," delves into our relationship with machines and animals; the second, "natures and worlds," explores climate change and the viability of living off-world; the third, "futures and heritages," considers the role of history and data excess; and the last, "education and societies," raises challenges such as how to embrace art as a part of scientific and technical knowledge. The event will be held in English.
For more events check our online events calendar.