Have You Eaten Yet?
Mutuo Mèndez Núñez 7, 08003 Barcelona
Sophie Teh
Sophie Teh
Artist Sophie Teh invites visitors to experience a world of implied meanings and suggestion through their interactions with food; specifically, foods that were significant to the artist growing up in a Chinese-Malaysian family in the 1980s.
As a child, the combination of sausage, eggs and rice were her family’s fast food. In this solo show, she utilizes the images of these specific foods to address issues of consumerism, desire and cultural identity of the Asian diaspora, who dedicate themselves to socio-economic progress. These are themes that she has been concerned about since her childhood. The issues in her work are further heightened by her more recent experience as a migrant to Europe.
Teh’s art sets out to test our learned social and cultural perceptions with familiar items represented in unfamiliar ways. The show presents artworks related to the perception of Asian peoples, especially young women of East Asian heritage, who are viewed as subservient and hypersexualised. This is contrasted in her work with the artist’s own perception of Asian women as independent individuals.
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